Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why W-Sitting?

I get asked why I w-sit. Why not sit a different way? I have sat other ways. If I kneel, or sit Indian style, or sit with my legs straight out in front of me, or sit with both legs to one side, my legs start to ache and my feet go numb or fall asleep. So I w-sit to alleviate all problems with my feet and legs. Besides it's just so darn comfortable to w-sit! Sometimes I get asked if I'm OK when I w-sit. People say I look funny as an adult sitting like this. I have been w-sitting for over 34 years and I'm not gonna stop now just because people think I'm weird or look funny w-sitting. People say it's wrong to w-sit, that its just not good for your knees and hips. But I say If w-sitting is wrong, I don't ever wanna be right. If Being right means being without w-sitting, I'd rather be wrong than right! As long as I can w-sit I don't care what people feel or say! When I'm w-sitting I'm in my own little world. When I'm w-sitting I feel peace and tranquility. W-sitting is freaking awesome!

1 comment:

  1. W- sitting postures of your kid can affect his/herbody

    Some sitting posture is not suggested for anybody, specially, W sitting posture affects kids health and parent should be concious about kids sitting style.
