Friday, June 8, 2012

My passion For w-sitting!

     I'm 36 and I have been w-sitting all my life. I have been w-sitting ever since I was 6 years old. It's so comfortable that I have sat this way every single day. I can w-sit for hours. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't w-sit. Sitting any other way brings great discomfort to my legs. Even sitting in a chair is uncomfortable. When I'm sitting in a booth at a restaurant I have to w-sit so my leg's don't ache. I am glad my parents never told me w-sitting was bad for me or tried to fix my sitting. I am incredibly happy and comfortable when I get to w-sit. W-sitting has been a wonderful part of my life and I am so glad I started sitting this way as a child. I am so glad I got to experience the joy of w-sitting. I think w-sitting is the greatest way to sit. Since I grew out of my teenage years and became an adult I have never sat any other way but w-sitting. In fact I have religiously been w-sitting every day out of pure enjoyment of it.

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