Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Some thoughts!
Time to w-sit! Heck, anytime is time to w-sit! I'm w-sitting right now! OH! This feels so good! This is so relaxing I could fall asleep w-sitting up. I almost did the other night.I actually did for about two hours the other night. I was w-sitting on my bead and just slightly my back was leant up against the wall next to my bed. My head tilted apon my left shoulder and I was out like a light. When I woke up two hours later, I felt so relaxed and refreshed even greater than I could have slept when I sleep normally for eight hours. But I only slept for two hours and I was w-sitting.Hm! Maybe I should sleep this way every night. W-sitting relaxes my back and keeps it straight. Oh my goodness! I never felt so relaxed as I did when I was sleeping while w-sitting!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Why W-Sitting?
I get asked why I w-sit. Why not sit a different way? I have sat other ways. If I kneel, or sit Indian style, or sit with my legs straight out in front of me, or sit with both legs to one side, my legs start to ache and my feet go numb or fall asleep. So I w-sit to alleviate all problems with my feet and legs. Besides it's just so darn comfortable to w-sit! Sometimes I get asked if I'm OK when I w-sit. People say I look funny as an adult sitting like this. I have been w-sitting for over 34 years and I'm not gonna stop now just because people think I'm weird or look funny w-sitting. People say it's wrong to w-sit, that its just not good for your knees and hips. But I say If w-sitting is wrong, I don't ever wanna be right. If Being right means being without w-sitting, I'd rather be wrong than right! As long as I can w-sit I don't care what people feel or say! When I'm w-sitting I'm in my own little world. When I'm w-sitting I feel peace and tranquility. W-sitting is freaking awesome!
Monday, June 11, 2012
If It feels good, sit this way!
I think w-sitting is good for you. W-sitting is my passion and I won't let anyone tell me sitting this way is unhealthy! Even though my legs turn out at the knees instead of straight down like normal people and my feet turn out instead of pointing straight forward like normal people I will w-sit as long as I am alive. I love w-sitting to death. Don't let anyone tell you to fix your legs. I say that if it feels good to w-sit then w-sit all you want and all you can and as long as you want at one time. Everywhere I go I get strange looks from people who see me w-sitting. On nice sunny days I like to go to the park, spread out a beach blanket, turn on my ipod, and listen to soft music like classical music and w-sit for hours. I even go to a place like a Chinese restaurant and w-sit in a booth with padded seats while I eat. It makes the meal more enjoyable to w-sit while I eat! Besides, w-sitting is the only way I can keep my back straight while I sit up.I envision a world of peace, a world of w-sitting forever.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
I found a great way to utalize w-sitting in my daily life. I have a small table with my laptop set up on it like a desk. Instead of sitting in a chair which is utterly uncomfortable, the table is short enough that I can sit up close to it on the floor. I w-sit up to the table and now I can work on my laptop and sit in an extermely comfortable position at the same time. It is easier to work for 8 hours when I can w-sit for those 8 hours while I'm working. I am 95 % less tired and my body feels so good at the end of my work day. I found a way to do desk work and enjoy my w-sitting at the same time. Now I enjoy my job even better. I wish I had done this years ago. Then I could have been w-sitting for 8 hours a day for the past 10 years. Oh well, at least I get to do it now! I will soon post a picture of the short table I made up with me w-sitting up to it, to show you what I am talking about.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
W-sitting Stuff
W-Sit Help Video
Whatever Video
Cbeck out another w-sitting blogger site: W-Sitting: The Comfortable Sit
Friday, June 8, 2012
My passion For w-sitting!

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